Sodobni pogoji avtoritete staršev in učiteljev/učiteljic

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V prispevku opisujemo in povezujemo nekatere elemente, ki lahko in tuintam tudi že spreminjajo prepričanja o vzgoji in izobraževanju ter njunem namenu. Omenjena sprememba je posledica preobrazbe družinskega življenja, ki je spremenila pogled na otroka. S tem so se spremenila prepričanja o vlogi in obliki avtoritete učiteljev/-ic in staršev ter statusu vednosti v primerjavi s kompetencami, spretnostmi in veščinami ter ne nazadnje tudi o socializaciji oziroma privzgajanju vrednot. Orišemo spremembe v dojemanju otroštva v zgodovini in s poudarkom na pojmu avtoritete poskusimo problematizirati današnje pogoje vzgoje.


Modern View of Parent and Teacher Authority

The article describes and connects some of the elements that can, and to a certain extent already do, change the views on education and its purpose. These changes come as a result of different family dynamics that have transformed the role of the child and, along with it, the beliefs about the role and type of teacher and parent authority. This also includes changes in perspective when it comes to knowledge – compared to competences, abilities and skills – as well as socialisation and learning of values. The article outlines the changes in the perception of childhood, as seen in the past, and emphasises the concept of authority in an effort to highlight the issues of modern educational approaches.