Prispevek tematizira družbene in ekonomske spremembe in v njih zamike vloge in delovanja šole. V tem okviru so v ospredju pojav podjetnosti kot koncept v edukaciji in iz njega izhajajoča preizpraševanja zastavitve vsebin, namenov znanja in institucije šole kot odgovor na kompleksne in tudi kontradiktorne družbene interese. Koncept podjetnosti pa se na različne načine vpenja tudi v slovenski šolski prostor. V osnovne šole se je podjetnost umestila s projektom POGUM, v okviru katerega tudi nastaja konceptualizacija podjetnosti, ki vključuje različne dimenzije realizacije kompetence podjetnosti na različnih področjih, med katerimi prispevek izpostavlja področje šol kot središč skupnosti.
Starting Points for Conceptualizing Entrepreneurship (in Primary Schools in Slovenia)
The paper discusses social and economic changes, and within them the shifts in the role and operation of schools. Within this context, it focuses on the phenomenon of entrepreneurship as a concept in education and on the resulting inquiries into the contents, the purposes of knowledge and the school institution as a response to complex and sometimes contradictory societal interests. The concept of entrepreneurship is also being integrated into the Slovenian school setting in different ways. Entrepreneurship has been integrated into primary schools through the project POGUM, which is creating a concept of entrepreneurship that includes different dimensions of the realization of the entrepreneurship competence in different areas; the paper highlights the area of schools as centres of communities.