Razvoj kompetenc podjetnostni in karierna orientacija skozi prizmo projekta PODVIG

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Prihodnost bo še bolj prežeta s spremembami, kot jih zaznavamo danes. Ključnega pomena pri prilagajanju na spremembe v svetu in posledično trgu dela za prihodnje iskalce zaposlitve ter za kakovostno življenje so kompetence podjetnosti oz. sposobnosti in veščine, ki bodo mladim omogočile samostojnost in fleksibilnost na življenjski poti. Pomembno področje, še posebej v srednji šoli, je tudi karierna orientacija ter uporaba kompetenc podjetnosti za učinkovito načrtovanje in vodenje kariere. Vendar niso le učenci tisti, ki naj bi razvijali kompetence podjetnosti, tudi učitelji zaznavajo spremembe na področju didaktike in smernic za poučevanje, pri čemer pomembno vlogo igrajo tudi kompetence okvira Entrecomp. Projekt PODVIG v slovenski prostor vnaša te novosti in spodbuja k integraciji ter implementaciji teh v delo učiteljev in tudi v delovanje učencev.


Development of Entrepreneurship Competences and Career Guidance through the Prism of Project PODVIG

The future will be even more riddled with changes than the present. Entrepreneurship competences are of key importance for future job seekers in adapting to changes in the world and, consequently, in the labour market, and in leading a quality life; they are the abilities and skills that enable young people to be independent and flexible throughout their lives. Another important area, especially in secondary school, is career guidance and the use of entrepreneurship competences to efficiently plan and manage one’s career. However, students are not the only ones who must develop entrepreneurship competences; teachers are also noticing changes in didactics and teaching guidelines, with competences from the EntreComp framework playing an important role. The project PODVIG is introducing these innovations into the Slovenian education system, promoting their integration and implementation in the work of teachers and in the activities of students.