Članek je sestavljen iz treh delov: GLASBENO poglavje prikaže primer oblikovanja vizije in poslanstva delovanja glasbenih šol – od razmišljanja učiteljev o izzivih učenja in poučevanja glasbe in plesa do prepoznavanja odgovorov in urejanja njihovih medsebojnih odnosov. SPLOŠNO poglavje predstavi Zemljevid učenja in poučevanja ter opozori, da je na njem mogoče potovati v smeri učenja in poučevanja s poustvarjanjem ali v smeri učenja in poučevanja z ustvarjanjem. Za uspešno potovanje so na njem razmeščeni štirje kažipoti, ki ravno na pravih mestih in ob pravem času usmerjajo v spremembe smeri potovanja. Zadnji del članka, OSEBNO poglavje, pa prinaša praktične nasvete in napotke, kako uskladiti cilje učnih načrtov s potrebami in željami učencev ter vzpostaviti razredni Zemljevid učenja in poučevanja ter načrt potovanja po njem.
A Journey across the Learning and Teaching Map
The article consists of three parts: the MUSIC chapter gives an example of how music schools create their vision and their mission – from teachers’ reflecting on the challenges of learning and teaching music and dance to finding the answers and regulating their mutual relationships. The GENERAL chapter introduces the Learning and Teaching Map, emphasizing that the journey can be towards learning and teaching by recreating or towards learning and teaching by creating. To successfully complete the journey, the map includes four signposts, at the appropriate places and at the appropriate time, in order to guide the direction of the changes. The last part of the article, the PERSONAL chapter, offers practical advice and guidance on how to adapt the curriculum objectives to the needs and desires of students, and how to implement the Learning and Teaching Map, including the plan of the journey, in class.