Izobraževanje bodočih učiteljev med željami in realnostjo

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Izobraževalci bodočih učiteljev smo neprestano soočeni s spremembami in izzivi na področju zagotavljanja kakovostnega izobraževanja študentov, ki so se odločili za poklicno pot učitelja. Prispevek osvetljuje spremembe, ki jih je v izobraževanje bodočih učiteljev prinesla bolonjska prenova, ter v nadaljevanju kritično ovrednoti dosežke projektov Partnerstvo fakultet in šol I in II, ki sta potekala sočasno z uvajanjem sprememb v programe izobraževanja bodočih učiteljev na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. Avtorica ugotavlja, da je kljub velikemu koraku naprej, ki smo ga v zadnjih 15 letih naredili v smeri vsaj delnega poenotenja različnih izobraževalnih poti oz. različnega usposabljanja bodočih učiteljev, pred vsemi akterji v njihovem izobraževanju še veliko dela.


Education of Prospective Teachers – between Desires and Reality

Pre-service teacher educators are constantly confronted with changes and challenges in providing quality education to students who have opted for the career of a teacher. The article highlights the changes brought into the education of future teachers by the Bologna Process and furthermore critically evaluates the achievements of two projects dealing with the partnership between faculties and schools, which took place simultaneously with the introduction of changes in the programmes of education of future teachers at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. The author notes that there is still a lot of work to be done despite great steps forward that have been made in the last 15 years towards at least partial unification of different educational paths or different training of pre-service teachers.