V prispevku se v uvodu skozi poklicno pot avtorice zrcalijo nekatere pomembne spremembe, ki so vplivale na lastno poučevanje in izkušenjsko učenje ter tako na povezovanje teoretičnega vedenja s praktičnim znanjem. Prispevek na kratko argumentira vpliv bolonjske prenove na pedagoške programe in konkretno na programe za prihodnje učitelje nemščine, dotakne se tudi nekaterih pomembnih spoznanj o izobraževanju prihodnjih učiteljic in učiteljev in pristopov pri študiju, ki so jih narekovala ta spoznanja. Pri tem odkrivanju novega je bilo v nekem obdobju zelo pomembno sodelovanje pri projektu Partnerstvo fakultet in šol. Številne mentorice in redki mentorji, ki so sodelovali pri tem projektu, so še danes nepogrešljiva pomoč in podpora visokošolskim specialnim didaktičarkam in didaktikom. S pomočjo izkušenjskega učenja, ki se uresničuje znotraj projektnega dela, mikropouka, včasih tudi akcijskega raziskovanja pouka in seveda s pomočjo opazovalne in strnjene pedagoške prakse, ki jo spremlja tudi samorefleksija, študentke in študenti usvajajo praktična znanja in v veliki meri tako pridobivajo tudi poklicne kompetence.
My Pedagogical Roles
The introduction to the article presents a few important changes encountered by the author throughout her career, which have affected her own teaching practice and experiential learning, and consequently the linking of theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge. The article briefly argues the impact of the Bologna reform on pedagogical programmes, specifically on the programmes for prospective teachers of German; it also touches upon a few important findings regarding the education of prospective teachers and the study approaches which have resulted from these findings. For a while, this reform process was greatly influenced by the collaboration on the project “Partnership between Faculties and Schools”. The many female mentors and rare male mentors collaborating on that project are still providing vital help and support to higher education teachers of special didactics. Through experiential learning, which is carried out during project work, micro-lessons, sometimes also action research of lessons, and, of course, through classroom observation and condensed teaching practice, accompanied by self-reflection, the pre-service teachers gain practical knowledge and, to a large extent, professional competences too.