Študenti pedagoških študijskih programov na ljubljanski Filozofski fakulteti imajo v svojem predmetniku tudi opazovalno prakso, ki jo lahko opravljajo pri psihologiji, pedagogiki, andragogiki ali didaktiki, in sicer v obsegu 15 ur. Zanimalo nas je, kako študenti doživljajo opazovalno prakso pri psihologiji in kako po njej razmišljajo o učiteljskem poklicu. Ugotovili smo, da ta praksa študentom pokaže, kako se teorija povezuje s prakso, izboljša realističnost njihovega pogleda na učiteljevo delo in učence, pri njih sproži razmislek o sebi kot učitelju, mnogim študentom pa tudi da prvo potrditev, da res želijo postati učitelji. Opazovalna praksa pri psihologiji je torej vsekakor smiseln in pomemben del izobraževanja bodočih učiteljev.
Observation in Psychology Class as Part of the Education of Prospective Teachers
The curriculum for students of pedagogical study programmes at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana also includes classroom observation, which they can carry out in Psychology, Pedagogy, Andragogy or Didactics class in the amount of 15 periods. The article takes a look at how students experience classroom observation in Psychology class and how they perceive the teaching profession afterwards. It has been established that classroom observation shows the pre-service teachers the connection between theory and practice; that it gives them a more realistic view of the work of a teacher and of the students; that it makes them think about themselves as teachers; and that through observation many pre-service teachers realize that they truly want to become teachers. Therefore, classroom observation in Psychology class is a sensible and important part of the education of prospective teachers.