V prispevku uvodoma utemeljujemo coaching kot sodobno obliko profesionalnega in osebnostnega razvoja posameznikov ter učinkovit pristop k reševanju posameznikovih, skupinskih in timskih izzivov v
njihovih posebnih okoliščinah. Štiri pomisleke o umestitvi uveljavljenega pristopa coachinga v podporo profesionalnemu razvoju vodstvenih in strokovnih delavcev na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja smo ovrgli s pomočjo teoretičnih in izkustvenih spoznanj. V osrednjem delu prispevka predstavimo uvajanje različnih oblik coachinga v vzgojno-izobraževalni prostor od leta 2011 do danes. Namen, oblike, udeleženci, izvajalci, gradiva, evalvacije srečanj, namenjenih coachingu in predstavitve širši strokovni javnosti so nanizani v kronološkem zaporedju. Coaching in veščine coachinga za vodstvene in strokovne delavce so snovali, preizkušali, izvajali in spremljali certificirani in usposobljeni coachi Zavoda Republike Slovenije za šolstvo in Šole za ravnatelje. Koristi coachinga predstavimo s pomočjo izbranih rezultatov iz evalvacij in skozi oči nekaj udeležencev. Prispevek zaokrožimo s pogledom naprej – predstavimo deset predlogov za trajno in sistematično umestitev coachinga v usposabljanje vodstvenih in strokovnih delavcev v vzgoji in izobraževanju.
From Retrospective to Perspective: The Introduction and Implementation of (Peer) Coaching in Slovenia
The article introduces coaching as a modern form of professional and personal development of individuals and an effective approach to solving individual, group and team challenges in their special circum stances. Four concerns about the placement of an established coaching approach in the private sector in support of the (head)teacher professional development in education were refuted with the help of theoretical and experiential knowledge. In the central part of the article the introduction of various forms of coaching in the Slovenian education system from 2011 to the present is presented. The purpose, forms, participants, providers, materials, evaluations and presentations to the general professional public are listed in chronological order. Coaching and coaching skills for (head)teachers were designed, tested, implemented and monitored by certified and qualified coaches of the National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovenian National School for Leadership in Education. The benefits of coaching through selected results from evaluations and through the eyes of some participants are presented. The article rounds off with ten recommendations for a continuous and systematic placement of coaching in the (head)teacher in-service training.