Izobraževanje na daljavo je korenito spremenilo način poučevanja v šolah po vsem svetu. Prilagoditi se je bilo treba načinu dela, ki nam je bil do pred kratkim nepredstavljiv, poučevati otroke prek računalnika, brez osebnega, fizičnega stika. Za delo na nov način je bilo potrebne veliko energije tako učiteljev kot učencev. Temu primerno je bilo treba dati še večji poudarek motivaciji učencev. Kot zanimiv in poučen primer didaktičnega pristopa lahko služijo virtualne sobe pobega. Predstavljeni sta dve sobi pobega za učence razreda (Prve civilizacije) in 8. razreda (Geografska odkritja in renesansa).
Using Escape Room to Motivate History Learning in Remote Education
Remote education has drastically changed the work of teachers in schools all over the world. Teachers had to adapt to a way of working with students that was until now unimaginable – teaching children online with no personal and physical contact. This new way of working required a lot of energy both from teachers and students, where an even greater emphasis was placed on student motivation. Virtual escape room can be used as an interesting and educational approach to learning. The article introduces two escape rooms: for 7th grade (First Civilisations) and 8th grade students (Geographical Discoveries and Renaissance).