Vloga obredne glasbe, kot jo razumeva Katoliška cerkev, in njeno mesto v družbi

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Evropska zgodovina je močno zaznamovana s krščanskimi koreninami in zavračanje tega dejstva nosi negativne posledice tudi na področju kulture. Danes »mnogi Evropejci vzbujajo občutek, kot bi živeli brez duhovnega ozadja, kot dediči, ki so zapravili dediščino, ki jim jo je predala zgodovina« (CVE 7). V naš osnovnošolski kurikulum je zaradi nekaterih glasbenih priročnikov primerno vključen tudi repertoar krščanske nabožne glasbe, kar pa je ob izidu omenjenih učbenikov burilo mnoge duhove. Pričujoči prispevek ne želi biti polemičen v tem smislu, prinaša pa vpogled v tiste poudarke bogoslužne glasbe, ki jih Katoliška cerkev prepoznava kot bistvene in ki so v preteklosti zaznamovali tudi kulturni razvoj našega naroda ter so v tem smislu do neke mere nujna komponenta učnih vsebin, ne glede na ideološko nestrinjanje nekaterih današnjih strokovnjakov.


The Role of Ritual Music as Understood by the Catholic Church and its Position in Society

European history is strongly rooted in the Catholic tradition, and denying this fact also brings negative impacts on the culture. In today’s world, »many Europeans give the impression of living without spiritual roots and somewhat like heirs who have squandered a patrimony entrusted to them by history« (Item 7, Ecclesia in Europa). Because of some of the music textbooks, our primary school curriculum also in a proper way includes a repertoire of religious Christian music, which provoked a number of questions when these textbooks were published. This article does not want to be controversial in this sense, however, it does want to provide insight into those aspects of religious music that the Catholic Church recognizes as essential and that have influenced the Slovenian cultural development in the past. They are therefore to some extent a necessary component of the teaching contents regardless of any ideological disagreements expressed by modern-day experts.