Na Gimnaziji Brežice so pri pouku zgodovine in v obšolskih dejavnostih v šolskem letu 2020/2021 v sklopu obeleževanja 30. obletnice samostojne države pripravili osem raznolikih aktivnosti in dejavnosti, s katerimi so želeli med dijaki spodbujati razvijanje in ohranjanje slovenske narodne zavesti in narodne identitete ter vzpodbuditi zanimanje za lokalno zgodovino in proučiti njeno vpetost v širši slovenski prostor. Spominjati se in ohranjati kolektivni spomin na pomembne dogodke iz nacionalne zgodovine, kakršno je rojstvo neodvisne suverene demokratične Slovenije, je ena od pomembnih nalog, odgovornosti in tudi poslanstev učitelja zgodovine. Na ta način se pri mladini, občutljivi generaciji, ki se nemalokrat še išče, krepi občutek pripadnosti in identifikacije. Ker gre za generacijo, ki se je rodila v že samostojni Sloveniji je obeleževanje 30. obletnice države in krepitev domoljubja prava priložnost za to.
Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of Independent Democratic Slovenia at Grammar School Brežice
In the 2020/2021 school year, Grammar School Brežice prepared eight diverse activities as part of history lessons and extracurricular activities to commemorate the 30th anniversary of our independent state. The aim of these activities was to promote the development and preservation of Slovenian national consciousness and national identity among secondary school students, to trigger an interest in local history, and to examine its integration into the broader Slovenian area. Remembering and preserving the collective memory of important events from national history, such as the birth of the independent, sovereign, democratic Slovenia, is an important task, responsibility and mission of history teachers. That is how we strengthen a sense of belonging and identification in the youth, i.e. in a sensitive generation that is often still figuring out who they are. Considering that this generation was born in an independent Slovenia, commemorating the state’s 30th anniversary and strengthening their patriotism is the right opportunity to do so.