Učitelji osnovnih šol se srečujemo z raznoliko populacijo učencev. Na naši šoli smo se prvič srečali s poučevanjem učenca, ki ima motnjo avtističnega spektra. Njegove se kažejo na področjih govora in jezika, pri socialni interakciji in komunikaciji ter na področjih vedenja, interesov in aktivnosti. Poučevanje omenjenega učenca je za strokovne delavce predstavljalo velik izziv. Začetek je bil težak, vendar smo s preizkušanjem različnih strategij in metod dela uspešno zaključili šolsko leto.
Successfully Teaching an Autistic Student in Primary School
Primary school teachers work with very diverse populations of students. At our school, we were faced, for the first time, with a challenge of teaching a student with an autism spectrum disorder. The student has difficulties in different areas, such as speech, language, social interaction and communication as well as behaviour, interests and activities. Teaching the student was a great challenge for the professional workers, and while it was demanding in the beginning, we managed to successfully end the school year with the help of different strategies and methods of work.