Otroške glasbene igre na Kosovu

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Prispevek se ukvarja z digitalno video zbirko otroških glasbenih iger iz podeželskih in urbanih območij leta 2010 na Kosovu. S pomočjo raziskovalnega načina zbiranja podatkov so bile posnete glasbene igre, ki se jih otroci v prostem času igrajo v šoli, doma in na ulici. Postopek digitalizacije posnetega gradiva je zaokrožen z oblikovanjem kataloga s sekundarnimi podatki o posnetih igrah in informatorjih. Digitalni katalog gradiva vsebuje 1.281 poročil od 1.114 informatorjev. Iz skupne video zbirke je bil izbran vzorec 50 melodičnih in 50 ritmičnih iger, katere so nato melografirane, izdelan besedilni in grafični opis igre ter vneseni dodatni podrobni podatki. Celotno digitalno gradivo zbirke velikosti 156.83 GB je deponirano v arhivu BuzAr, zbirka z melogrami pa je bila izdana na Kosovu leta 2013. Sekundarni in terciarni podatki iz kataloga kot tudi naša neposredna spoznanja med samim snemanjem, digitalizacijo in izdelavo melograma, so uporabljeni pri analizi in obdelavi podatkov, v kateri je uporabljena opisna statistika, frekvenčna porazdelitev, kontingenčne tabele in hi-kvadrat.


Kosovo Children’s Play Songs Collection

The paper presents the digital video collection of children’s play songs recorded in rural and urban settlements in Kosovo in 2010. The data collected through exploratory method are related to the play songs children play during their leisure time in the school, at home and on the streets. The process of digitisation of the recorded material also included a catalogue with metadata about the play songs and the informants. The digital catalogue consists of 1,281 entries from 1,114 informants. A sample of 50 melodic and 50 rhytmic play songs was selected. The 100 items were transcribed into notation with textual and graphic descriptions of the play songs, and the additional data catalogized. The entire digital collection (156.83 GB) was deposited in the archive BuzAr, while the collection of the 100 transcriptions was published in Kosovo in 2013. The secondary and tertiary data from the catalogue, as well as our direct insight into the recording, digitisation and transcription process, were used during the data analysis which relied on descriptive statistics, frequency distributions, contingency tables and chi-square test.