Izkušnje ravnateljev o sodelovanju s svetovalno službo na šoli so danes zelo različne in odvisne od več okoliščin: ciljev šole, profila svetovalnega delavca, njegovih pričakovanj, izkušenj, ambicij itd. Na drugi strani pa je sodelovanje odvisno od njegovega pogleda na poslanstvo in naloge šole, od strategije in načina vodenja šole in njegovega pogleda na vlogo šolske svetovalne službe v razvoju šole in učencev. Ravnatelj si pri tem bolj ali manj približuje ali oddaljuje svetovalne delavce, jih tesneje povezuje s svojimi nalogami ali pa bolj usmerja v delo s posameznimi učenci, starši in učitelji. Ker se ta odnos oblikuje zelo individualno, ni mogoče postaviti splošnega recepta za sodelovanje svetovalnega delavca z ravnateljem. Razvoj šolskega dela bo v veliki meri odvisen od sodelovanja med ravnateljem in šolskim pedagogom, njune usklajenosti glede vizije in razvoja šole, od poznavanja dela drugega, od komunikacije, medsebojnega spoštovanja in zaupanja. Usklajeno sodelovanje na eni strani podpira oziroma povečuje učinkovitost vodenja in razvijanja kakovosti šole, na drugi strani pa utemeljuje in afirmira poklic in identiteto šolskega pedagoga kot svetovalnega delavca.
Cooperation Between the Principal and the School Consultants– an Opportunity that a Pedagogue Should not Overlook
The principals’ experiences in cooperating with school consultants are very different depending on the circumstances: the school’s objectives, the consultants’ profiles and their expectations, experiences, ambitions, etc. This cooperation also reflects the principal’s view of the school’s mission and obligations, the ways and the strategy of managing the school and his/her view of the school consultants’ role in the school’s in students’ development, where the principal either draws the school consultants closer or keeps them at a distance – brings them closer to his/her tasks or directs them toward working with individual students, parents or teachers. As this is a very individual approach, there is no universal rule as to how the relationship between the principal and the school consultant should be formed. The development of the school work will to a large extent depend on the cooperation between the principal and the school pedagogue, their harmony relative to the school’s vision and development, familiarity of each other’s work, communication, mutual respect and trust. A harmonious relationship will, on the one hand, support and boost the efficiency in managing and developing the quality of the school and, on the other, validate and justify the profession and the identity of the school pedagogue as a consultant.