Zaspani možgani

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V prispevku predstavljamo pomen spanja za vsakdanje budno funkcioniranje. Najprej si ogledamo, koliko časa možgani med spanjem resnično počivajo v smislu, da porabljajo manj energije kot v budnem stanju. Vidimo, da se le v krajšem obdobju spanja zmanjša možganska aktivnost. Sledi analiza dogajanja v možganih med spanjem. Predstavljamo, kako se med spanjem odpadne snovi odstranjujejo iz možganov. Nato navajamo rezultate različnih raziskav, ki kažejo kvarni učinek pomanjkanja spanja na kognitivne sposobnosti. Sledi še pregled raziskav, ki obratno kažejo, kako dovolj spanja pozitivno vpliva na kognitivne sposobnosti. V sklepnem delu predstavljamo izrazito individualnost potrebe po spanju in delitev ljudi v različne kronotipe. Prav tako omenimo možne načine delovanja šolske svetovalne službe pri osveščanju dijakov, staršev in učiteljev o pomenu spanja.


Sleepy Brain

This paper presents the importance of sleep for our daily functioning while awake. It begins by taking a look at how long our brain actually rests during sleep, meaning that it uses up less energy than in the awake state. It shows that brain activity is reduced only during a shorter period of sleep. It continues by analysing what goes on in the brain during sleep. It presents how waste is removed from the brain while we sleep. Afterwards, it mentions the results of various research studies, which demonstrate the harmful effect of sleep deprivation on cognitive abilities. This is followed by a review of research studies which show that, on the other hand, getting enough sleep has a positive impact on cognitive abilities. The conclusion presents the distinct individuality of the need for sleep and the categorisation of people into various chronotypes. It also mentions potential ways for the school counselling service to raise awareness of the importance of sleep among secondary school students, parents and teachers.