Socialna sprejetost in samopodoba nadarjenih učencev in učencev s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja

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Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti socialno sprejetost in samopodobo nadarjenih učencev ter učencev s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja (PPPU) in ju primerjati s skupino ostalih učencev v zadnjem triletju osnovne šole. Rezultati kažejo, da je socialni položaj nadarjenih učencev bolj ugoden kot socialni položaj učencev s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja ter ostalih učencev. Nadarjeni se glede na sociometrični položaj v razredu večinoma uvrščajo v skupino priljubljenih in povprečnih učencev. Med tremi skupinami imajo učenci s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja najmanj ugoden socialni položaj. Večina se jih uvršča v skupino zavrnjenih učencev. Učenci s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja kažejo nižjo samopodobo v večini sestavin v primerjavi z nadarjenimi in ostalimi učenci, nadarjeni učenci pa višjo samopodobo v večini sestavin v primerjavi z učenci s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja in ostalimi učenci. Ugotovimo lahko, da so med različnimi skupinami učencev v razredu razlike v njihovem socialnem položaju v razredu in doživljanju samopodobe. Raziskava je tako lahko izhodišče za odkrivanje strategij razvoja pozitivne samopodobe in učinkovite integracije v razredno skupnost.


Social Acceptance and Self-Image of Gifted Students and Students with Specific Learning Disabilities

The purpose of the research was to determine the social acceptance and self-image of gifted students and students with specific learning disabilities (SLDs), and compare them with the group of other students in the last triennium of primary school. The results show that the social status of gifted students is more favourable than the social status of students with specific learning disabilities and of other students. With regard to the sociometric status within the class, the gifted are mostly categorised in the group of popular and average students. Of the three groups, the students with specific learning disabilities have the least favourable social status. Most of them are categorised in the group of rejected students. Students with specific learning disabilities have demonstrated a poorer self-image in the majority of the components in comparison with gifted and other students, whereas gifted students have demonstrated a better self-image in the majority of the components in comparison with the students with specific learning disabilities and other students. It can be inferred that differences exist among different groups of students within a class as regards their social status within the class and how they see themselves. This research can therefore serve as a starting point for discovering the strategies for developing a positive self-image and for effective integration into the class community.