Digitalne tehnologije, povezane v splet (računalnik, pametni telefoni, tablice ipd.), vedno bolj zgodaj vstopajo v življenja otrok, družine pa so postavljene pred izziv učenja zdrave in varne uporabe naprav. Za mlade je uporaba spletnih dejavnosti pomemben vir zabave, učenja in druženja, hkrati pa so prav otroci in mladostniki izpostavljeni tveganju za razvoj težav na področju uporabe spleta, če pri njegovi uporabi ne dobijo primerne usmeritve. Splet lahko zaradi svojih lastnosti delovanja hitro postane preganjalec dolgčasa, sredstvo za izboljšanje lastne samopodobe, sredstvo za pomiritev, razbremenitev čustvenih stisk, sredstvo za navidezno druženje in socializacijo. Vse več raziskav potrjuje različne varovalne dejavnike in dejavnike tveganja za razvoj težav na področju uporabe spleta, tudi zasvojenosti. Zasvojenost s spletnimi dejavnostmi se kaže v obliki mnogih, dalj časa trajajočih simptomov in pomembnih škodljivih posledic. Poznavanje simptomov, varovalnih dejavnikov in dejavnikov tveganja lahko staršem, strokovnjakom in drugim pomaga pri zgodnjem prepoznavanju težav in pri učinkovitem preprečevanju bodisi nastanka bodisi poglabljanja težav na področju uporabe spleta. Osebe, ki potrebujejo strokovno pomoč pri preprečevanju ali zmanjševanju težav na področju spleta, se lahko med drugim po pomoč obrnejo na organizacijo Logout, ki posameznikom in družinam svetuje pri soočanju s prekomerno uporabo spleta in zasvojenostjo, deluje pa tudi preventivno, s priporočili staršem, otrokom, mladostnikom in strokovnjakom.
Overuse of and Addiction to the Internet and Digital Technologies in Children and Adolescents
Digital technologies connected to the Internet (computer, smartphones, tablets, etc.) are entering the lives of children more and more early and families are facing the challenge of teaching healthy and safe use of devices. For young people the use of online activities is an important source of entertainment, learning and socialising; however, it is precisely children and adolescents who are exposed to the risk of developing problems related to Internet use if they do not receive proper guidance on how to use it. Owing to the nature of how it works, the Internet can quickly become a boredom buster, a means to improve one’s self-image, a means of appeasement, of alleviating emotional distress, a means of virtual socialising and socialisation. A growing number of studies have confirmed various protective factors and risk factors for the development of problems related to Internet use, including addiction. Addiction to online activities manifests in the form of many long-term symptoms and substantial adverse effects. Familiarisation with the symptoms, protective factors and risk factors can help parents, experts and others to detect problems early on and effectively prevent either the emergence or deepening of problems related to Internet use. Persons in need of professional help with preventing or alleviating problems related to the Internet can, among other things, turn to the LOGOUT organisation, which counsels individuals and families facing Internet overuse and addiction, and also does preventive work by making recommendations to parents, children, adolescents and experts.