Bolezen spremeni način življenja; kljub bolezni pa gre življenje naprej in prav šola je pogosto tista, ki otroka spomni na to. V prispevku opisujem pomen celostne obravnave dolgotrajno bolnih otrok v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu. Ti otroci so zaradi zdravljenja oz. poslabšanja zdravstvenega stanja pogosto odsotni od pouka. V duhu vključujoče šole se tega zavedamo in se trudimo ves čas posebno pozornost namenjati ustvarjanju pozitivnega vzdušja v razredu ter dobremu sodelovalnemu odnosu s starši dolgotrajno bolnega učenca. Strokovna skupina na šoli izdela individualizirani program, s katerim določimo oblike dela na posameznih področjih oz. predmetih, način izvajanja dodatne strokovne pomoči ter potrebne prilagoditve pri organizaciji, preverjanju in ocenjevanju znanja, napredovanju in časovni razporeditvi pouka. Z vsemi predvidenimi prilagoditvami pomagamo otroku s posebnimi potrebami doseči vsaj minimalne cilje in standarde znanja razreda, v katerega je vključen, na prvem mestu pa je seveda zdravje otroka.
Chronically Ill Pupils – Support from Counselling Service
Disease changes a child’s way of life, but despite the disease, life goes on and school is often the one that reminds the child of that fact. Chronically ill children are children with long-term or chronic disorders and diseases. They are often absent from school due to treatments or a deterioration of their medical condition. The school staff are aware of this issue and, following the principles of an inclusive school, are continuously working towards comprehensively addressing such pupils. After having integrated children with special needs into school, the staff pay special attention to creating a positive atmosphere and good cooperative relationship with parents of chronically ill pupils. The school’s expert group designs an individualized programme, which determines the forms of work in specific areas or specific subjects, the method of implementing additional professional assistance, and the necessary adjustments to the organization, knowledge assessment, promotion, and class schedule. With all of the proposed adjustments the school tries to enable the child with special needs to achieve at least the minimum objectives and standards of knowledge; nevertheless, the child’s health is of paramount importance.