Obravnava domačega branja v 5. razredu s knjigo Košarkar naj bo

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V prispevku je opisan primer obravnave domačega branja v 5. razredu v sklopu medpredmetnega pouka in dneva dejavnosti. Prikazano je, kako smo se učiteljice lotile domačega branja, kakšna navodila so bila pripravljena za petošolce in kako smo povezali pouk ter branje s šolsko knjižnico. Zelo dobrodošla je bila povezava knjige in filma, saj so učenci najprej prebrali knjigo, nato pa so si ogledali tudi film.


Discussion of Required Reading in the 5th Grade with the Book Košarkar naj bo

The article describes an example of discussing the required reading in the 5th grade. It shows how to implement an organized form of required reading during cross-curricular lessons and an activity day. The article describes an example of how teachers tackled required reading, the instructions that were prepared for fifth graders, and how lessons and reading were connected with the school library. The book-film connection was very welcome, as the pupils first read the book and then watched the film.