Socialna integracija dijakov s posebnimi potrebami in vrstniška pomoč ter vrstniško tutorstvo kot strategiji pomoči

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V prispevku smo spregovorili o socialni integraciji dijakov s posebnimi potrebami. V preteklosti smo se osredinjali predvsem na kognitivne posebnosti dijakov s posebnimi potrebami, medtem ko smo socialni vidik integracije nemalokrat nehote potisnili v ozadje. V prispevku želimo izpostaviti pomen socialne integracije in vrstniško pomoč ter vrstniško tutorstvo kot strategiji pomoči, ki lahko pomembno vplivata ne le na akademske uspehe dijakov s posebnimi potrebami, temveč tudi na občutek sprejetosti v razredni skupnosti in vključenosti vanjo.


Social Integration of Secondary School Students with Special Needs and Peer Help and Peer Tutoring as Help Strategies

The paper talks about the social integration of secondary school students with special needs. In the past we mostly focused on the special cognitive features of secondary school students with special needs, whereas the social aspect of integration was often inadvertently pushed aside. The paper wishes to stress the importance of social integration, and peer help and peer tutoring as help strategies, which can have a significant impact on the academic attainment of secondary school students with special needs, and, moreover, on the feeling of being accepted and integrated into the classroom community.