V članku sem razmišljala o osnovnem poslanstvu šolske knjižnice – izposoji – oziroma o načinu, kako podamo knjige v roke otrok. Na podlagi praktičnih izkušenj sem iskala teoretične podlage in razlage, ki bi osvetlile pomen te dejavnosti. Pogosto se kot temeljna naloga šolske knjižnice šteje zgolj sama izposoja in za merjenje strokovnega ugleda knjižnice štejejo statistična poročila. A izhajajoč iz dejstva, da je način izvedbe te dejavnosti tisti, ki omogoča prenos našega odnosa do knjige in branja na učence, sem s pomočjo različnih strokovnjakov iskala odgovore na zastavljeno vprašanje, kako podajamo knjige v roke otrok.
How Do We Offer Books to Children? or Renting Books as Statistics and a School Library Mission
The paper presents my reflections on the school library’s main mission – renting books and the way books are offered to children. Based on practical experience, I searched for a theoretical basis and explanations that would highlight the importance of this activity. The school library’s most important mission, based on statistics reports, is often the activity that can promote or diminish its reputation. On the premise that the way this activity is performed is what allows the transfer of our attitude and reading culture to students, I tried to answer this question with the help of different experts.