Prispevek prinaša opis pouka književnosti v prvem razredu na primeru slovenske ljudske pravljice Mojca Pokrajculja. Uvodoma so podana teoretična izhodišča za izvedbo ure s pomočjo učne priprave ter podrobnejši opis poteka. Na sam pouk in utrjevanje pravljice pomembno vpliva tudi pouk v knjižnici, kjer knjižničar dopolni in obogati proces s knjižnimi izdajami ter učnimi pripomočki za boljšo predstavo vsakega učenca. Prispevku je dodan tudi učni list, s katerim prvošolci utrdijo znanje.
With Mojca Pokrajculja to the School Library
The article describes first-grade literature class on the example of the folk tale Mojca Pokrajculja. The introduction includes the theoretical premises for the implementation of the class with preparation work and a more detailed description of the class. Learning in the library also adds, in an important way, to the implementation of the class and enhances the knowledge about the folk tale, as the school librarian complements and enriches the process with books and learning tools for a better illustration. Attached is also a worksheet, with which the first-graders can review their knowledge.