V prispevku je opisan način sodelovanja šole in šolske knjižnice z lokalno skupnostjo preko povezave z Mladinskim centrom v mednarodnih projektih mladih prostovoljcev programa Evropske solidarnostne enote (ESE). Predstavljeno je delo treh prostovoljk iz Rusije, Turčije in Španije, ki so v razdobju dveh let pridobivale izkušnje pri delu z mladimi v šolski knjižnici na OŠ Tončke Čeč v Trbovljah.
Young Volunteers of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) in the School Library
The article describes the collaboration of the school and school library with the local community, through a connection with the Youth Centre, in international projects including young volunteers of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC). It presents the work of three volunteers from Russia, Turkey and Spain, who, over the course of two years, gained their experiences in working with young people in the school library at the primary school OŠ Tončke Čeč in Trbovlje.