Prispevek opisuje pouk v 5. razredu pri predmetu družba, in sicer učenje o prvih slovenskih knjigah, slovenskem jeziku in kulturni dediščini. Pomembno je načrtovanje pouka na letni ravni in nato izpeljava glede na zmožnosti. Pouk v 5. razredu je že bolj poglobljen in učencem približa preteklost naroda. Vso teoretično snov se dobro predstavi z gradivi, ki so otipljiva in omogočajo boljšo predstavo o vrednosti in pomembnosti knjige skozi čas. Vse to je mogoče, saj se pouk za eno šolsko uro prestavi v bogato založeno šolsko knjižnico.
Class with Fifth-graders in the School Library about the First Slovenian Books
The article describes fifth-grade class in the subject Society, where students learn about the first Slovenian books, the Slovenian language and cultural heritage. It is important to plan the classes on a yearly basis and then implement them according to abilities. Fifth-grade classes are created so as to deepen students’ knowledge and introduce them to the history of the nation. All theoretical content is thoroughly introduced, with material that is tangible and allows a better understanding of the value and importance of books over time. This is made possible by moving the class, for one hour, to a well-stocked school library.