Beremo stripe za domače branje

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Prispevek predstavlja primer medpredmetnega povezovanja knjižničnega informacijskega znanja (KIZ) z domačim branjem v 6. razredu osnovne šole. Ponuja eno izmed možnosti, kako učenci v šolski knjižnici spoznavajo strip in njegove lastnosti. Učna ura temelji na sodelovalnem delu v skupinah. Vključuje nekatere bralne učne strategije in elemente formativnega spremljanja. Učenci se nato v risanju stripa preizkusijo tudi sami, pri čemer so morajo upoštevati pridobljeno znanje o stripu.


Reading Comic Books for Required Reading

The article presents an example of cross-curricular integration of Library and Information Science with required reading in the 6th grade as one of the ways students can become acquainted with the comic book and its characteristics in the school library. The learning lesson is based on cooperative group work. It includes certain reading and learning strategies as well as elements of formative assessment. In the end, the students were required to draw a comic book themselves utilizing the newly acquired knowledge about comic books.