Leta 2015 je v veljavo stopil nov Zakon o knjižničarstvu, ki narekuje, da morajo vse šolske knjižnice v treh letih od uveljavitve Zakona preiti na sistem COBISS, kar pomeni, da je treba ponovno izgraditi knjižnični katalog v novem sistemu. Avtorici sta v zvezi s tem želeli pomagati šolskim knjižničarjem, ki se še niso lotili procesa. S temo sta se seznanili s pregledom literature, ki je do leta 2017 kazala pozitiven odnos do procesa. Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo je februarja 2017 pripravil načrt izgradnje knjižničnega kataloga z naslovom Navodila za vključevanje v sistem COBISS, ki predvideva pet korakov: aktualizacija zbirke, uskladitev z računovodstvom, izobraževanje za delo v sistemu COBISS, priprava na vnašanje gradiva in vnašanje gradiva. V nekaterih knjižnicah so že začeli s postopkom, ena izmed avtoric pa je opisala tudi, kako izgradnja knjižničnega kataloga poteka v dveh šolskih knjižnicah, v katerih pomaga pri postopku.
Building a Library Catalogue for School Libraries
A new Libraries Act was adopted in 2015 that stipulates that all school libraries are required to transition to the new COBISS system within three years of the adoption of the Act, which means that the library catalogue must be rebuilt within the new system. The authors wrote the instructions with the aim to assist school librarians who have not yet started this process. They researched the topic by reviewing the literature written by 2017 that approached the process in a positive way. In February 2017, the National Education Institute prepared a plan for building a library catalogue with the title “Instructions for the transitioning to COBISS”, which includes five steps: updating the records, coordinating with the accounting department, learning to use the COBISS system, preparing to enter the books in the system and entering the books in the system. Some of the libraries have already started the process and one of the authors also described the catalogue building process implemented in two school libraries where she is facilitating the process.