V prispevku je prikazana pomembnost jezikovne in knjižne vzgoje pri predšolskih otrocih, kako vzgojiteljice v vrtcih prek dejavnosti s pomočjo kurikuluma in druge strokovne literature pripravljamo različne dejavnosti, pri katerih spodbujamo otrokovo komunikacijo. Kako pomembno se je z otrokom pogovarjati, mu brati zgodbe, pravljice, pesmi ga primerno motivirati in ga s tem navajati na življenje s knjigo. Pri tem pa upoštevamo načela in cilje iz kurikuluma, ki jih uresničujemo pri vzgojnem delu. Tudi sodelovanje s knjižnico je zelo pomembno, saj nam nudi strokovno podporo in nam ponuja veliko izbiro gradiva. Ker želimo tudi starše ozavestiti glede pomembnosti knjižne vzgoje za najmlajše, v vrtcu izvajamo obogatitvene programe, kot sta Palček Bralček in Knjižni nahrbtnik. S tem želimo starše spodbuditi, da tudi doma čim več berejo otrokom.
Language and Literary Education in Kindergarten
This paper presents the importance of the language and literary education of preschool children; how kindergarten teachers make use of the curriculum and other professional literature to prepare various activities which encourage the children to communicate; and how important it is to talk to children and read them stories, fairytales, and poems, thus properly motivating them and making them used to living with a book. In the process, we must abide by the curriculum principles and objectives, and realise them during our educational work. Cooperation with the library is also very important, since the latter provides professional support and offers us a broad selection of materials. Because we wish to make parents aware of the importance of literary education for our youngest, the kindergarten is carrying out enrichment programmes such as Palček Bralček [Dwarf the Reader] and Knjižni nahrbtnik [Book Backpack]. By doing so, we wish to encourage the parents to read to their children as much as possible.