Poučna slikanica Miška Mica v arhivu

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Članek predstavlja primer ure KIZ, kjer sta si roko podali promocija branja in uporaba IKT-ja. Povezovalni člen je bila poučna slikanica z naslovom Miška Mica v arhivu. Ura je bila izvedena v oddelku OŠ PP NIS, ki ga obiskujejo učenci s posebnimi potrebami. V uvodnem delu je pogovor stekel na temo, kaj preučuje zgodovina, kakšne vire uporablja in kje so ti shranjeni. Razmišljali so, kje bi dobili podatke o zgodovini šole. Pri tem so navajali tako učbenik kot uporabo računalnika za dostop do spletnih strani, spraševanje starejših in obisk muzeja. Na svoje presenečenje so s pomočjo prebrane zgodbe spoznali šolski arhiv, njegov prostor in vsebino.


Educational Picture Book Miška Mica v arhivu

This article presents an example of a Library and Information Knowledge lesson where reading promotion and ICT use went hand in hand. The common thread was the educational picture book entitled Miška Mica v arhivu [Mica the Mouse in an Archive]. The lesson was carried out in a primary school class with a special programme and lower educational standard, attended by pupils with special needs. In the introductory part, we talked about what history studies, which sources it uses, and where these are kept. The pupils thought about where they could get information about the school’s history. They suggested a textbook, using the computer to access websites, asking older people, and visiting a museum. To their surprise, the story they read helped them to get to know the school archive, its premises and contents.