It is widely acknowledged that our world is in transition from the third to the fourth stage of the industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). From a world influenced by electronics, computers and automated manufacturing to one that will be influenced by cyber-physical systems in which real objects and virtual processes are interlinked. But getting to this fourth stage is not solely dependent upon technological developments, particular sociocultural changes will be required, too. As artificial intelligence, the internet of-things, and machine learning dramatically change the nature of work, it is argued that, for the longer term sustainability of humankind, enhanced interpersonal sociability, cultural democracy and moral integrity will become essential counterbalancing forces of an otherwise isolated and independent lifestyle. Hence, this article argues that a major challenge for today’s schools is the need to prepare students for such a different sociocultural environment. This involves more than learning about interpersonal sociability, cultural democracy and morality. Preparing today’s students for full participation in an Industry 4.0 world means that they must learn not only about interpersonal sociability, democracy and morality but also by being immersed within a school culture that unequivocally embodies these concepts. To this end, we argue that the latter requirement is unlikely for many of today’s students because not only are schools’ physical and organisational structures still largely aligned with an Industry 2.0 world, but also their leadership practices and organisational cultures are as well. Arguably, such practices and the individualistic cultures created by them are mostly composed from discrete entities joined together by pragmatic processes, so that relative discontinuity and independence rather than connectivity and interdependence are commonly found. Preparing students for Industry 4.0 demands changing these leadership and cultural tendencies. This paper describes ongoing research that seeks to accomplish these outcomes by means of a unique ecological exploration of school leadership and school culture where the quality of relationships becomes the pivotal focus.
Industrija 4.0, demokracija in izobraževanje: vpliv na šolsko kulturo in vodstvo?
Vemo, da naš svet prehaja s tretje na četrto stopnjo industrijske revolucije (Industrija 4.0). Svet, v katerem prevladujejo elektronika, računalniki in avtomatizirana proizvodnja se spreminja v svet kiber-fizičnih sistemov, v katerih so resnični predmeti in virtualni procesi medsebojno povezani. Toda prehod na četrto stopnjo ni odvisen samo od tehnološkega razvoja – potrebne so tudi določene družbene in kulturne spremembe. Ker umetna inteligenca, internet stvari in strojno učenje drastično spreminjajo naravo dela, velja, da bodo za dolgoročno vzdržnost človečnosti bistveni dejavniki za uravnavanje sicer izoliranega in neodvisnega življenjskega sloga postali poudarjena družabnost, kulturna demokracija in moralna integriteta. Zato prispevek zastopa stališče, da je glavni izziv današnjih šol potreba po pripravi učencev na tako zelo drugačno sociokulturno okolje. Tovrstna priprava vključuje več kot le učenje medosebne družabnosti, kulturne demokracije in morale, saj gre za učenje v okviru življenjskih izkušenj. Z drugimi besedami, priprava današnjih učencev na izpolnjeno življenje v svetu Industrije 4.0 zajema ne le učenje medosebne družabnosti, demokracije in morale, temveč neposreden stik s šolsko kulturo, ki te koncepte nedvoumno uteleša. To zadnje številnim današnjim učencem zaenkrat ni dosegljivo, saj so tako fizične in organizacijske strukture šol, kot tudi njihove vodstvene prakse in organizacijske kulture še vedno v veliki meri usklajene s svetom Industrije 2.0. Predvidoma so takšne prakse – in individualistične kulture, ki jih ustvarjajo večinoma sestavljene iz ločenih subjektov, ki jih združujejo pragmatični procesi; relativna diskontinuiteta in neodvisnost sta torej mnogo bolj prepoznani kot pa povezanost in soodvisnost. Priprava učencev na Industrijo 4.0 zahteva spremembe vodstvenih in kulturnih nagibov. Članek opisuje tekoče raziskave, ki želijo tovrstne rezultate doseči z edinstvenim ekološkim raziskovanjem šolskega vodstva in šolske kulture, kjer kakovost odnosov postane osrednja usmeritev.