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O nekaterih dilemah pri obravnavi besedil


Besedila glede na prototipične zunaj- in znotrajbesedilne prvine skupinimo. Najpogostejše poimenovanje besedilne skupine je besedilna vrsta, ki je produkt dogovorjenih in ustaljenih jezikovno-vedenjskih dejanj znotraj komunikacijskega področja. Prispevek želi spodbuditi učiteljice h kritičnemu vrednotenju opisov besedilnih skupin in odkrivanju njihovih značilnosti ter tako k učenju branja z razumevanjem ali kritičnega branja.


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Some of the Dilemmas in Teaching the Reading Material

Texts are divided into groups based on the typical internal and external text elements. The most common term used to describe a text group is text class, which is a product of agreed upon and established linguistic actions in an area of communication. The purpose of the article is to encourage teachers to critically assess the descriptions of text groups and identify their characteristics, and thus to teach reading through understanding, i.e. critical reading.