Ko se je na hrvaški obali odvijal boj za ohranitev v več sto letih razvitega in utrjenega glagolskega bogoslužja, utemeljenega na hrvaški različici cerkvenoslovanskega jezika in pisavi glagolici, je bil v središče spora med Hrvati na eni in Italijani ter avstrijsko državo na drugi strani, za škofa v Krku imenovan slovenski rojak, dr. Anton Mahnič. Čeprav je bil znan po stališčih zoper pretirano izražanje nacionalnosti in obrambi liturgične latinščine, je preučil zgodovinska dejstva in z občutkom za pravičnost krške duhovnike podprl pri ohranjanju lastne bogoslužne tradicije tam, kjer se je skozi stoletja utrdila. Sklical je škofijsko sinodo, na kateri so bili v zagovor glagoljaštva sprejeti ustrezni dokumenti, posredoval pri rimskem vodstvu, da je dokumente potrdilo, ter za tiskanje glagolskih bogoslužnih knjig in preučevanje glagoljaške dediščine ustanovil Staroslovansko akademijo in njeno delo okrepil s tiskarno Kurykto.
The Contribution of Anton Mahnič to the Preservation of Glagolitism in Croatian Littoral, Istria and Kvarner
At the time of the battle to preserve the Glagolitic church service, developed and established over several hundred years, which was founded on the Croatian version of the Church Slavonic language and the Glagolitic alphabet, a Slovenian was named as the Krk Bishop, in the middle of the dispute between Croatia on the one side, and Italy and Austria on the other, called Dr. Anton Mahnič. Although he was known for his views against excessive expression of nationality and defence of Ecclesiastical Latin, he studied the historical facts and supported, with a sense of justice, the Krk priests in the preservation of their own church tradition in the place where it had previously been established throughout centuries. He summoned a synod of bishops where proper documents were adopted for the defence of Glagolitism, intervened with Roman leaders who authorized the documents, and founded the Old Church Slavonic Academy for the study of the Glagolitic heritage and the Kurykta Printing House for the printing of the Glagolitic church books.