Po prebrani knjigi za domače branje se pri učenci pojavi vprašanje, kako naj strnejo in ubesedijo svoje razumevanje o prebranem. S pomočjo v članku predstavljenih dejavnosti, ki temeljijo na komunikacijskem modelu poučevanja, učence usmerjam k sestavinam, ki so pomembne pri obnavljanju, povzemanju in predstavljanju prebrane knjige. Učenci s koraki formativnega spremljanja ob različnih dejavnostih besedilo poglobljeno spoznavajo in ob tem razvijajo sposobnost kritičnega mišljenja.
Formative Assessment and Promoting Critical Thinking in Slovenian Language Lessons in 7th Grade of Primary School
After reading a book for required reading, pupils begin to wonder how to sum up and verbalise their understanding of what they have read. Making use of the activities presented in this article, which are based on the communication model of teaching, I guide the pupils toward the elements that are important for summarising and presenting the read book. With formative assessment steps, pupils get to know the text in-depth through various activities, in the process developing their critical thinking skills.