Kompleksno vsebinsko znanje učenci izkazujejo z miselnimi procesi višjih taksonomskih ravni, analizo, sintezo in vrednotenjem. S primerjalno analizo modela eseja na mednarodni maturi iz slovenščine kot jezika A (materinščine) ter modela eseja na splošni maturi iz slovenščine članek pokaže, da prvi model v večji meri poudari miselne procese višjih taksonomskih ravni kot drugi. Esejski del mednarodne mature predvidi izkazovanje sistemskega literarnega znanja na višjih taksonomskih ravneh, medtem ko esej na splošni maturi iz slovenščine na višjih taksonomskih ravneh predvidi predvsem ukvarjanje s pomensko, dogajalno platjo besedila.
Higher-order Thinking in Slovenian Baccalaureate Essay: Comparison with the International Baccalaureate Essay
Students exhibit a more complex knowledge of the acquired material through higher-order thinking – thought processes connected with higher taxonomy levels – such as analysis, synthesis and assessment. The article introduces the comparative analysis between the essay as applied in the International Baccalaureate Exam in Slovenian as language A (mother tongue) and the essay used for Slovenian at the General Baccalaureate Exam showing that the higher-order thought processes are stimulated to a greater degree with the first model. The essay part of the International Baccalaureate Exam is created in a way that allows students to show their systematic literary knowledge through higher-order thinking, while the essay at the General Baccalaureate in Slovenian brings out mostly the knowledge about the text’s meaning and story.