V prispevku so predstavljena različna didaktična gradiva, e-tečaji in orodja za podporo čezmejnim študentom in diplomantom, ki so bila izdelana v sklopu projekta EDUKA 2 Čezmejno upravljanje izobraževanja. Projekt je financiral Program sodelovanja Interreg V-A Italija–Slovenija s sredstvi Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj. Učno gradivo in e-tečaji o čezmejni didaktiki, poučevanju slovenščine kot J1 v Italiji, italijanščine kot J1 v Sloveniji in furlanščine ter didaktiki jezikov v stiku in sosedskih jezikov so namenjeni učiteljem in profesorjem vrtcev ter osnovnih in srednjih šol v obmejnem prostoru med Slovenijo in Italijo. Priročnik za čezmejne študente je koristen pripomoček za študente in diplomante, ki se ukvarjajo s priznavanjem izobrazbe in poklicnih kvalifikacij, pridobljenih v sosednji državi, zlasti za področje vzgoje in izobraževanja. Model za svetovanje in informiranje za čezmejne študente je namenjen fakultetam na obmejnem območju, ki izobražujejo čezmejne študente. Izdelano gradivo je dostopno na spletni strani projekta www.eduka2.eu.
Challenges of Cross-Border Education between Italy and Slovenia: EDUKA 2 Project
The article presents various didactic materials, e-courses and tools for providing support to cross-borders students and graduates, which have been prepared under the project EDUKA 2 – A Cross-Border Governance of Education. The project was financed by the Interreg V-A Italy–Slovenia Cooperation Programme with resources from the European Regional Development Fund. The teaching material and e- courses on cross-border didactics, on teaching the Slovenian Language as L1 in Italy, on teaching the Italian Language as L1 in Slovenia, on teaching the Friulian language, and on the didactics of languages in contact and of neighbouring languages are intended for teachers and professors at kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in the borderland between Slovenia and Italy. The Handbook for Cross- Border Students is a useful tool for students and graduates engaged in the recognition of education and professional qualifications acquired in a neighbouring country, especially in the field of education. The counselling and information provision model for cross-border students is intended for faculties in the borderland, which educate cross-border students. The material prepared under the project is available on the project’s website www.eduka2.eu.