Delo na domu

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Delovna mesta, na katerih lahko delavci opravljajo delo na domu, morajo biti opredeljena v aktu o sistemizaciji delovnih mest. Potem ko o aktu o sistemizaciji presodijo strokovnjaki za varstvo pri delu in medicino dela, se z delavci, ki želijo opravljati delo na domu, sklene pogodba o zaposlitvi. Z njo se določi kraj opravljanja dela (tudi) na domu. V pogodbi o zaposlitvi delodajalec in delavec opredelita tudi pogoje in način opravljanja dela na domu ter nadomestilo za uporabo delavčevih delovnih sredstev za to. Pred začetkom opravljanja dela na domu je delodajalec dolžan obvestiti inšpektorat za delo. Ne glede na dejstvo, da delo na domu poteka na podlagi dogovora med delodajalcem in delavcem, pa zakon v primerih naravnih ali drugih nesreč, če se taka nesreča pričakuje, ali v drugih izjemnih okoliščinah, ko je ogroženo življenje in zdravje ljudi ali premoženje delodajalca, dopušča možnost, da delodajalec delo na domu odredi brez soglasja delavca, za čas, ko takšne okoliščine obstajajo.


Remote Working

Jobs which allow remote working, i.e. teleworking must be defined in a job classification act. Only after the job classification act is assessed by experts from the field of occupational safety and medicine, can employer conclude employment contracts with workers who want to work remotely. With such employment contract contracting parties determine the location where the work is carried out remotely (at home). Employment contract must also determine working conditions, way of performing work remotely (at home) and compensation for using personal means for work. Before allowing employees to start working remotely the employer is obligated to inform the labour inspectorate regarding the said fact. Regardless of the fact that remote work can only be performed on the basis of the agreement concluded between employer and employee, the law allows the employer to unilaterally impose an obligation on workers to work remotely, but only in case of natural and other disasters, if such disasters are anticipated, or other exceptional circumstances, when human life and health or employer’s property are in danger.