Motiviranje za branje in slovenski klasiki

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Prispevek predstavlja in kontekstualizira uporabo bralnomotivacijske strategije M. Sarto ob Levstikovem Martinu Krpanu. Uvodoma opozori na individualno razumevanje besedil, tudi literarnih, ob kognitivnih vidikih ob prebiranju literarnih besedil pa izpostavlja predvsem čustvene. Opozarja na pomen, ki ga čustvom in pozitivni izkušnji z branjem namenja Učni načrt za slovenščino. Nadalje literarno interpretacijo povezuje z motiviranjem za branje, ki ju umesti v kontekst spremenjene literarnovedne paradigme, ki jo je v literarno vedo in didaktiko književnosti pod vplivom spoznanj kognitivnih znanosti in konstruktivizma prinesla empirična literarna veda. Opozori tudi na spremembe, ki jih to prinaša v razumevanje pomena šolske interpretacije. V nadaljevanju se prispevek osredotoča na predstavitev projekta veSeLOL branje ter predstavi eno od bralnomotivacijskih strategij, ki je bila v času trajanja projekta postavljena ob bok drugim didaktizacijam iz potrjenih učbenikov za slovenščino. Prispevek predstavlja obravnavo klasičnih slovenskih literarnih besedil na način, kot je bil v različnih projektih uporabljen vzdolž celotne izobraževalne vertikale.


Motivation for Reading and Slovenian Classical Authors

The article introduces and contextualises the utilisation of the reading motivation strategy by Monserrat Sarto in Fran Levstik’s tale Martin Krpan. The introduction emphasises individual understanding of texts, including literary, and among the cognitive aspects of reading literary texts, points mainly to emotional ones. It points out the importance given to emotions and positive experiences through reading by the Slovenian class syllabus. Moreover, literary interpretation is associated with reading motivation which are put in the context of a changed literary scientific paradigm introduced in literary science and literature didactics by the empirical literary science under the influence of findings in cognitive sciences and constructivism. The significance of the changes this brings to the understanding of the importance of school interpretation is also emphasised. In the continuation, the article focuses on the presentation of the veSeLOL reading project, introducing one of the reading motivation strategies which was used alongside other didactic methods from the approved Slovenian class textbooks. The article treats the reading of classical Slovenian literary texts in a way used in various projects across the entire educational vertical.