Zbirko črtic Moje Življenje Ivana Cankarja učenci spoznavajo kot knjigo za domače branje v 9. razredu. Do branja te knjige načeloma pristopajo z odporom zaradi njim že znanih stereotipov o Cankarju – da je nerazumljiv, starinski, celo dolgočasen. V tem šolskem letu sem to knjigo obravnavala na običajen način (razlaga, pogovor z diskusijo, učno-delovni listi), hkrati pa tudi na ustvarjalen – z dramsko uprizoritvijo z igranimi kratkimi filmi, katere pobudniki so bili ravno učenci. Tako sem učencem zahtevnejšo vsebino približala na zabaven način, pri tem pa nisem okrnila bistva črtic ali pesniškega jezika Ivana Cankarja. S sodelovanjem v celotnem projektu so učenci pridobili dragocene izkušnje in predvsem lepe spomine, črtice Ivana Cankarja pa so jim postale razumljive, izkušnje Ivana Cankarja iz otroških dni pa primerljive z njihovimi izkušnjami.
Required Reading with a Creative Ending – Ivan Cankar, Moje življenje (My Life)
The collection of sketches Moje Življenje (My Life) by Ivan Cankar is introduced to students as required reading material in the 9th grade. They are generally resistant in their approach to the book due to the stereotypes they have already formed about the author – that he is difficult to understand, archaic and even boring. In this school year, I used both the accepted approach (explanation, dialogue through discussion, learning worksheets) as well as a creative approach in the book discussion – dramatic staging with short feature films suggested by the students. This allowed me to introduce the more demanding content in an entertaining way without taking away from the main message of the sketches or Ivan Cankar’s poetic language. By cooperating throughout the project, the students gained valuable experience and, mostly, nice memories, while achieving a greater understanding of the reading material and resonating with Ivan Cankar’s childhood experiences.