Članek prikazuje problemsko zasnovano obravnavo dveh Cankarjevih besedil, vključenih v učni načrt za gimnazije. Utemeljena je na enem izmed novejših modelov izvedbe problemsko-ustvarjalnega pouka književnosti, katerega uporaba se v zadnjih letih povečuje. Črtici Gospod stotnik in Kostanj posebne sorte sta značilni besedili Cankarjevega zadnjega ustvarjalnega obdobja, njuna simbolistična narava pa je dobro izhodišče za oblikovanje književnih problemov. Ker pa obenem praznujeta tudi stoletnico, lahko njuno obravnavo v šoli popestrimo tudi z uporabo problemsko-ustvarjalnega pouka.
Creative Problem-Solving Lessons in General Secondary School: Example of Discussing Two Texts by Can
The article presents a problem-solving discussion of two texts by Cankar, which are included in the curriculum for general secondary schools. The discussion is based on one of the newer models of the implementation of creative problem-solving literature lessons, which is being used more and more in recent years. The two sketches, Sir, Captain and A Special Species of Chestnut, are characteristic texts from Cankar’s final creative period; their symbolist nature is a good starting point for forming literary problems. Since the sketches are also celebrating the centenary of their creation, the discussion of these two works in school can be enriched by using creative problem-solving lessons.