Ibsenove Strahove smo v 3. letniku gimnazije in ekonomskega tehnika obravnavali dve šolski uri z metodo VŽN in debato. Obravnava drame je potekala dve šolski uri, nato je bila izvedena še evalvacija obeh ur. Dijaki so se razdelili v dve skupini glede na to, ali se po njihovem mnenju gospa Alvingova na koncu drame odloči pomagati umreti neozdravljivo bolnemu sinu ali ne. Poiskati so morali čim več argumentov za svojo odločitev, nato pa izmed teh izbrati tri najboljše. Sledilo je iskanje protiargumentov trditvam nasprotne skupine. Dijaki so v anketi bolje ocenili metodo debate kot VŽN. Izkazalo se je, da so dijaki odlomek zaradi debate natančneje prebrali in si ga bolje zapomnili. Pri tem so razvijali tudi sposobnosti.
Discussion of Ibsen’s Ghosts with the KWL Method and Debate
In the 3rd year of a general secondary school and a secondary school of economics we discussed Ibsen’s Ghosts for two periods using the KWL method and debate. The play was discussed during two periods, after which both periods were evaluated. The students were divided into two groups based on whether, in their opinion, at the end of the play Mrs Alving decides to help her son, who is terminally ill, to die or not. They had to find as many arguments as possible to substantiate their decision and then choose the best three. This was followed by searching for counterarguments to the claims of the opposite group. In a questionnaire, the students awarded higher marks to the debate method than to KWL. As it turns out, the students read the excerpt more thoroughly because of the debate and memorised it better. In the process they developed the skills of oral performance, argumentation, listening and teamwork.