V članku smo analizirali pregled literature s področja ustvarjalnosti učiteljev in učencev ter s področja stalnega izobraževanja učiteljev. Članek bo prispeval k razumevanju najboljših metod in oblik poučevanja v posameznih učnih okoljih, s pomočjo katerih bi dosegli kritično mišljenje, ustvarjalnost in inovativnost, ter k prepoznavanju ovir, ki ustvarjalnost preprečujejo ali omejujejo. Odrasli namreč mlade s svojim delom pripravljamo na izzive 21. stoletja, v katerem smo priča številnim spremembam in izginjanju poklicev. Z inovativnostjo in podjetnostjo bi radi razvijali ključne osebnostne lastnosti, kritično mišljenje ter komunikacijske in sodelovalne spretnosti. V samem pedagoškem procesu lahko to dosežemo z ustreznim sodelovanjem, vsebinskim in vključevanjem dejavnosti, ki vsebujejo širši spekter veščin, hkrati pa pomagajo pri razvoju posameznikov, ki imajo spretnosti in pogum za spopadanje s številnimi izzivi. Najpomembnejši prispevek članka je temeljna ugotovitev o pomembni vlogi dejavnikov, kot so usposabljanje učiteljev, ustvarjalnost, inovativnost ter učna in podporna okolja, ki zaradi svoje kompleksnosti pomembno vplivajo na ustvarjalne učinke v izobraževanju.
Creativity and Innovation as Key Elements of 21st Century Challenges
The article analyses the review of literature in the fields of teacher and student creativity as well as continuing education for teachers. The article itself will represent a contribution to understanding the best methods and forms of teaching for individual learning environments, instrumental for attaining critical thinking, creativity and innovation, and for recognising the obstacles that preclude or restrict creativity. Through our work, the adults prepare the young for the challenges of the 21st century, witnessing a multitude of changes and the disappearance of professions. By means of innovation and enterprise we hope to develop key personal characteristics, critical thinking, collaborative and communication skills. In the teaching process as such, this can be achieved through proper collaboration, content integration and the inclusion of activities that involve a wider range of skills and at the same time promote the emergence and development of individuals with abilities, skills and courage for facing many challenges. The central contribution of the article is its principal acknowledgement regarding the importance of the role of factors such as teacher training, creativity, innovation, as well as supportive and learning environments, which, due to their complexity, have a significant impact on the creative effects in education.