V članku predstavljamo značilne lastnosti ustvarjalnih in inovativnih ljudi ter ustvarjalnega in inovativnega mišljenja. Pojasnjen je pomen spodbujanja in razvijanja ustvarjalnosti v procesu izobraževanja in vzgoje, opisane so možnosti za spodbujanje in razvijanje ustvarjalnosti in inovativnosti v šoli. Razložen je odnos med ustvarjalnimi in nadarjenimi učenci. Poglobljeno sta predstavljeni ustvarjalnost in inovativnost, ki sta vgrajeni v zgodovinsko znanost. Analizirana je vključitev veščin ustvarjalnosti in inovativnosti v učne načrte za zgodovino v osnovni šoli in gimnaziji ter podani predlogi za nadgradnjo učnih načrtov s podrobnejšo opredelitvijo možnosti spodbujanja ustvarjalnosti in inovativnosti pri pouku zgodovine. Podrobno so predstavljeni didaktični in učni pristopi s konkretnimi primeri za spodbujanje ustvarjalnosti in inovativnosti pri pouku zgodovine. Opisane so tudi možnosti za spodbujanje ustvarjalnosti in inovativnosti pri pouku zgodovine, ki jih omogočajo sodobna in inovativna učna okolja. Članek sklenemo s primeri formativnega spremljanja in vrednotenja ustvarjalnosti in inovativnosti pri pouku zgodovine.
Fostering Creativity and Innovation in History Class
The article presents the characteristic features of creative and innovative people, and of creative and innovative thinking. It explains the importance of fostering and developing creativity in the educational and learning process, while describing the possibilities of encouraging and growing creativity and innovation in school. The relationship between creative and talented students is introduced along with an in-depth definition of creativity and innovation, which are embedded in historical science. This is followed by an analysis of the inclusion of creative and innovative skills in primary and secondary school history curricula, together with suggestions to upgrade the curricula with a more detailed definition of the opportunities for promoting creativity and innovation in history classes. Details on didactic and learning approaches are provided with specific examples of how creativity and innovation can be fostered in history classes. In addition, a description is given of the ways of encouraging creativity and innovation in history classes, enabled by modern and innovative learning environments. The article concludes with examples of formative assessment, and assessment of creativity and innovation in history classes.