V prispevku pregledno in poljudno predstavljamo prehod iz keltskega v zgodnjerimsko obdobje in razcvet slednjega na območju današnje Slovenije. Pregled začenjamo s kratko omembo keltskega obdobja pri nas. Nadaljujemo s prvimi trgovskimi stiki z Rimljani ter kasnejšo vojaško zasedbo. Opisujemo rimsko organizacijo imperiju priključenega prostora, oblikovanje mestnih upravnih enot ter poglavitne poteze rimske kulture. Časovno je zajeto zadnje stoletje pred našim štetjem in prva tri stoletja po njem. Upoštevani so novejša arheološka odkritja ter rezultati sodobnih raziskav.
Early Roman Era in Slovenia
The paper presents, in a clear and non-technical way, the transition from the Celtic to the early Roman era and the flourishing of the latter in the territory of present-day Slovenia. The review begins with a brief mention of the Celtic era in our parts. It continues with the first commercial relations with the Romans and the subsequent military occupation. It describes the Roman organisation of the area annexed to the empire, the formation of urban administrative units, and the main features of Roman culture. The time frame covers the last century B.C. and the first three centuries A.D. Recent archaeological discoveries and the results of contemporary research have been taken into account.