Mesto kot muzej – zgodovinsko terensko delo s pametnim telefonom

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V prispevku prikažemo primer izpeljave zgodovinskega terenskega dela, pri katerem učenci po manjših skupinah čim bolj samostojno in z elementi igrifikacije spoznavajo mesto kot muzej. Ideja za izpeljavo takega dneva dejavnosti se je porodila iz opažanj, da so učenci ob vodenih ogledih preveč pasivni, da večinoma nezainteresirano sledijo bolj ali manj zanimivemu vodiču, ne opazijo mesta v celoti, sobivanja kulturne in arhitekturne dediščine z današnjim življenjem, temveč so osredotočeni le na določene podatke, ki jih morajo zapisati na delovne liste. Starejši obiskovalci mesta pogosto ne bi bili navdušeni nad takim spoznavanjem novih krajev, zato smo mladim, ki še raje raziskujejo sami, ponudili možnost, da s svojimi mobilnimi napravami, uporabo QR-kod, internetnih vsebin, fotoaparata in aplikacij, ki posnetke povežejo v zgodbo, samostojno raziskujejo mesto. Triurni potep po Ljubljani je bil zadetek v polno!


A Town as a Museum – Historical Fieldwork with a Smartphone

This paper shows an example of conducting historical fieldwork during which pupils work in smaller groups as independently as possible, coming to know a town as a museum through gamification elements. The idea for organising such an activity day arose from observing that pupils were too passive during guided tours; that they followed a more or less interesting guide around, often indifferently; that they did not see the town in its entirety, the coexistence between cultural and architectural heritage and life today, but were merely focused on the specific data which they had to write down in their worksheets. Older visitors to the town would probably not have been thrilled with getting to know new places this way, which is why young people, who prefer to conduct their own research, were given the chance to explore the town on their own with their mobile devices, using QR codes, Internet contents, cameras, and applications which combine photographs into a story. The three-hour stroll through Ljubljana was a smashing success!