S pomočjo programa Job Shadowing sem imela možnost obiskati Årstad Videregående skole v Bergnu na Norveškem – šolski center, ki združuje več različnih šol, imajo pa tudi tri uvajalne razrede, t. i. introduction classes. Gre za enoletno uvajanje mladoletnih tujcev in migrantov, s katerimi delajo na poseben način. Teme, o katerih veliko komunicirajo z njimi, so vezane na njihovo identiteto, težave z novim jezikom in težave s prijatelji. Zaradi dobrih rezultatov so znani po vsej državi. V prispevku sem uporabila podatke, ki sem jih od pedagoške vodje uvajalnih oddelkov Marie pridobila z globinskim intervjujem, z opazovanjem, pa tudi s pomočjo javno objavljenega načrta za delo v uvajalnih razredih.
Participation in ESHA Job Shadowing as an Example of International Communication for Exploring Good Practices in the Integration of Foreigners (Årstad Videregående Skole, Bergen, Norway)
The ESHA Job Shadowing Programme provided me with the opportunity to visit Årstad Videregående Skole in Bergen, Norway – a school centre comprising several different schools and offering three integration classes, called introduction classes. This is a yearlong integration programme for foreign minors and underage migrants (‘newly arrived students’), for whom the work is adapted. The core topics of class interchanges relate to these students’ identity, their difficulties with new language and friends. These classes are renown throughout the country for their good results. In this article, I use the information acquired through an in-depth interview with the teaching head of introduction classes, Marie, observation, and the publicly issued work plan for introduction classes.