Prispevek prikazuje delo strokovnih delavcev v vrtcu Jesenice pri vključevanju tistih otrok v vseh starostnih skupinah, ki jim slovenščina ni materinščina, temveč največkrat drugi ali celo tretji jezik. Na podlagi rezultatov ankete predstavlja mnenja vzgojiteljev o rabi jezika v vrtcu in njihova prizadevanja za premoščanje razlik in razvijanje zavesti o drugačnem delu v taki skupini.
Languages Connect Us – A Microcosm
The paper presents the work of the professional staff at Jesenice Kindergarten when integrating children in all age groups whose mother tongue is not Slovenian; the latter is usually their second or even third language. Based on the survey results, it presents the opinions of preschool teachers on the use of language in the kindergarten, and their efforts to overcome differences and develop an awareness of having to employ different work methods in such groups.