V prispevku je najprej predstavljeno formativno spremljanje in izkušnje z vključevanjem elementov in orodij formativnega spremljanja v pouk, ki pripomorejo k miselno spodbudnemu učnemu okolju ter k sproščenemu in prijetnemu vzdušju v razredu. V drugem delu pa je predstavljen sklop obravnave malih tiskanih in pisanih črk v 2. razredu z elementi in orodji formativnega spremljanja.
My Formative Assessment Experience with Literacy in Second Grade
The article first introduces formative assessment and experience in including formative assessment elements and tools in class, which contributes to an encouraging thinking and learning environment, as well as a relaxed and pleasant climate. The second part focuses on the specific learning topic of printed and handwritten lower-case letters in second grade, including the elements and tools of formative assessment.