Kakovostna »jezikovna vzgoja« se začne s spoštovanjem vsakega posameznika ter njegovega edinstvenega jezikovnega repertoarja – kar vključuje ne le tradicionalno poučevanje tujih jezikov, temveč tudi regionalne, manjšinske jezike, jezike migrantov. Temeljni cilj medkulturne vzgoje je razvijati sposobnost sobivanja z ljudmi različnih jezikovnih in kulturnih izvorov. Na OŠ Koper že vrsto let uspešno izvajamo kulturni dan »Babilonski stolp«, ki je namenjen ozaveščanju o pomembnosti komunikacije in učenju različnih jezikov. Učenci se osredotočijo na spoznavanje tujih jezikov in kultur. Dejavnosti so strukturirane tako, da se lahko izvajajo, z ustreznimi prilagoditvami, v vseh razredih drugega in tretjega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja. Ker sta inkluzija in opolnomočenje učencev naš cilj, težimo k temu, da delavnice v čim večji meri izvajajo učenci šole, katerih materni jezik je »jezik delavnice«, ali učenci, ki se teh jezikov učijo v okviru izbirnih predmetov. Izvajanje poteka ob podpori učiteljev jezikoslovcev.
The Tower of Babel – A Good Practice Example of Interculturality and Multilingualism in Primary School
The article presents the example of creating a supportive learning environment to encourage the development of emotional competences in primary school students of the first triad. The practical example describes an experience with the third graders and an interplay between the learning content and fairy tale, which included the elements of formative assessment where the student is the co-creator of the learning process. By monitoring their progress and expanding the activity, students not only enhance their knowledge in the area of linguistic competences, but also receive the benefit of a supportive learning environment, in which they can develop their ability to relate to the feelings and experiences of fictional characters. The article includes a chronological sequence of the activities and introduces a practical tool for class work with questions that help interpret the fairy tale and encourage students to speak about the experience of fear. Supporting students in recognizing and identifying with the emotions of the fictional character is emphasised as important for successful emotional regulation, with positive effects on their emotional, personal and social development.