Refleksije razrednega učitelja

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Vodenje učencev začetnih razredov osnovne šole


Pričujoči prispevek predstavlja razmišljanje in dojemanje dela učitelja ter skuša njegovo vlogo utemeljiti s pedagoško teorijo: predvsem z deli dr. Jane Bluestein, dr. Pavaa Brajše, dr. Shimi K. Kang, Diane Gossen ter predavanji dr. Mitje Kranjčana o odnosu kot osnovi za socialno pedagoško delo na Pedagoški fakulteti v Kopru. Prispevek je zastavljen kot preplet strokovnih utemeljitev čisto konkretnih, praktičnih odločitev in ravnanj učitelja v razredu. Osnovni, nič kaj skromni, cilj tega pisanja je predstaviti in utemeljiti model poučevanja razrednega učitelja z desetletno pedagoško prakso na šoli s prilagojenim programom. Učitelja, ki želi delovati inkluzivno in razume, da je inkluzija vtkana že v samo življenje in delo osnovne šole, te izobraževalne institucije za vse.


Reflections of a Primary Level Teacher
Guiding Pupils in the First Grades of Primary School

The article presents the thoughts on and perceptions of the work of a teacher, and attempts to substantiate the teacher’s role with pedagogical theory: mostly with the works of Dr Jane Bluestein, Dr Pavao Brajša, Dr Shimi K. Kang and Diane Gossen, and with the lectures of Dr Mitja Kranjčan on attitude as the basis for social and pedagogical work given at the Faculty of Education in Koper. The article is designed as an intertwinement of experts’ reasoning about specific, practical decisions and actions of a teacher in the classroom. The basic and not at all modest aim of the article is to present and substantiate the teaching model of a primary level teacher with ten years of experience in teaching at a school with an adapted programme. The model of a teacher who wants to work inclusively and who understands that inclusion is embedded in the life and work of a primary school, an educational institution that is open to all.