V članku opisujemo izkušnje s terapevtskim psom pri pouku. Opisujemo priprave in šolanje psa ter kako pes in vodnik postaneta terapevtski par. Delo s šolskimi psi predstavlja drugačen, svež, interaktiven pristop k vzgoji in učenju. Terapevtski psi pomagajo posameznikom vzpostaviti stik z drugimi, sprostiti ozračje, dvigniti samozavest, povečati zadovoljstvo, pomirjati strahove, zmanjševati anksioznost in motivirati za delo. Na naši šoli – OŠ Dob − smo se vključili v projekt Mreža Šolski pes. S projektom želimo doseči predvsem večjo motiviranost za učenje in izboljšati branje na razredni stopnji. Učenje s kužkom smo pričeli lansko šolsko leto v 1. razredu. Letos spremlja kuža te učence tudi v 2. razredu. Podajamo nekaj primerov vključitve psa v redni pouk. Naše izkušnje s terapevtskim psom po prvem letu kažejo pozitivne učinke pri bralni motivaciji in interesu učencev za branje.
Teaching with a Puppy
The article describes practical experience with having a therapy dog present during lessons. It describes the preparations and schooling of the dog, and how the dog and its handler become a therapy team. Working with school dogs is a different, fresh, interactive approach to education and learning. Therapy dogs help persons to establish contact with others; they help to lighten the mood, boost self-confidence, increase satisfaction, appease fears, reduce anxiety and motivate for work. My school – the Dob Primary School – has joined the School Dog Network project. The project aims to increase motivation for learning and improve reading skills at the primary level. Learning with a puppy was introduced in the previous school year in the 1st grade. This year, the same pupils are accompanied by a dog in the 2nd grade. A few examples of including a dog in regular lessons are given. After one year, our experiences with a therapy dog indicate a positive impact on the pupils’ reading motivation and interest in reading.