Kolektiv in učenci na naši šoli se trudimo priseljene učence in njihove starše vključiti v vzgojno-izobraževalni in socialno-družbeni proces. Vsi med seboj sodelujemo in izmenjujemo tako znanja kot tudi izkušnje. Vsi se trudimo, da se počutimo priljubljeno in uspešno. Zato je tudi naša šola, tako kot številne druge, vključena v sistem dodatnega izobraževanja za učence priseljence. Poleg tega za učence in njihove starše izvajamo, organiziramo in prirejamo različne projekte in prireditve. Tako jim prikažemo, da so v našo družbo vključeni ne glede na njihovo drugačnost ali različnost. Pravzaprav jim pokažemo, da jih imamo radi in da jih z veseljem vključujemo v svoj šolski in obšolski sistem. S tem namenom smo tudi na šoli organizirali in izvedli medkulturni projekt in medkulturni sejem. Medkulturni projekt in medkulturni sejem, ki smo ju načrtovali, organizirali in izvedli, zahteva od učitelja veliko mero poznavanja teme, osebno naravnanost, senzibilnost in sposobnost izvedbe od ideje do končnega cilja, ki pomeni ustvariti most za sklepanje znanstev med državami, različnih in enakih narodnosti ter kultur. Učenci in njihovi starši so s sodelovanjem pokazatelj tega, da se v današnjem času moramo med seboj razumeti, spoštovati in pravzaprav sodelovati. S skupnimi močmi dosežemo, da ljudi iz drugih držav vključimo v svoj gospodarski, družbeno-socialni in vzgojno-izobraževalni sistem.
An Intercultural Project
Teachers and students at our school make an effort to include immigrant students and their parents in the educational and social process. We all cooperate with one another and exchange both knowledge and experience. Each one of us strives to be popular and successful, which is why our school is also among those taking part in the system of additional education for immigrant students. Moreover, we carry out various projects and events for students and their parents. That is how we show them that we consider them a part of our society, regardless of the fact they are different from us. We show them that we love them and that we are very pleased to include them in our school and other social activities. With that in mind, we held an intercultural project and an intercultural fair at our school. The intercultural project and fair, which were planned, organized and carried out by our school, should be run by a teacher who is highly familiar with the topic, is personally inclined to it, is sensible and able to implement the idea in the form of an event which serves as a bridge for forming new acquaintances between countries, as well as different or equal nationalities and cultures. The students and their parents who took part in the event are, thanks to their willingness to cooperate, a symbol of how in today’s world people should be able to understand and respect each other and cooperate with one another. By joining forces we will be able to achieve the inclusion of immigrants into our economic, social and educational system.